Want to lose weight but find weight lifting and strength training too intimidating or mundane? Then Wall Pilates might just be the thing for you. It offers all the fun and benefits of traditional pilates exercises but with the wall as an extra support tool, making it an inclusive workout for anyone with any physical limitations.
Wondering how a low-impact exercise can do much to help you shed pounds? The answer might surprise you. Read on to know more about this, along with a list of the best wall pilates exercises you can try!
Does Wall Pilates Really Work For Weight Loss?

Wall Pilates typically involves repetitive movements performed on a yoga mat that uses your body weight or simple tools like resistance bands and light weights. It focuses on improving balance, body alignment, and flexibility [1].
Wall Pilates supports an increase in muscle mass, which reduces your body fat percentage and enhances your metabolism [2]. This can be a contributing factor to your weight loss journey. When this form of strength training is combined with a balanced diet for weight loss, you can definitely witness results. A study on the effect of Pilates exercises on obese individuals has proven that it can dramatically reduce body weight, BMI, and body fat percentage [3].
However, since Wall Pilates is a low-intensity exercise, its impact on your body depends on how challenging the workout is. It is essential to do it for a minimum of 20 minutes, ensuring that your heart rate is up to reap the weight loss benefits [4].
You can calculate your body mass index with our BMI Calculator.
Does Wall Pilates Help Reduce Belly Fat?
Now, if you’d like to know if wall pilates for weight loss also works for belly fat, the answer is a yes and no. Wall pilates exercises activate all the pivotal and multiple muscle groups in both the upper body and lower body, but especially the abdominal muscles.
However, spot reduction of fat loss is not a possibility, when you’re hoping to lose weight specifically in one body part. But it’s certainly possible to develop a flatter stomach when you work on your body as a whole and your body fat percentage reduces. While wall pilates can help you develop your core muscles, it can’t be targeted just to reduce belly fat.
Discover different types of Pilates:
Pilates Reformer Workout Plan PDF
Mat Pilates Workout For A Stronger and Leaner Look
Benefits of Wall Pilates

Wall Pilates workout provide a variety of benefits, such as enhanced core strength, increased flexibility, and improved posture. By working multiple muscle groups, these exercises can help tone the abdominal area, decrease belly fat, and support weight loss. Furthermore, wall Pilates can be easily modified to accommodate different fitness levels and individual needs, making it a great option for people of all ages and abilities. Effective wall Pilates exercises include the wall plank, wall squats, wall bridge, and wall push-ups, which specifically target the core, legs, and glutes.
Learn more about Wall Pilates:
28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge For Strength and Weight Loss
4 Weeks Wall Pilates Chart For Beginners
5 Best Wall Pilates Exercises For Weight Loss
1. Wall Bridge

This exercise helps you with strengthening your hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles, as well as supporting spinal alignment.
- Lie on your back with feet flat against the wall, knees bent at 90 degrees
- Arms at your sides or resting on your abdomen.
- Inhale, then exhale while pulling your belly button towards your spine. Engage your core.
- Press feet into the wall and lift hips, creating a straight line from shoulders to knees.
- Hold for a few seconds, then pulse hips upward 3-5 times.
- Slowly lower your hips back to the floor.
2. Wall Plank

The wall plank focuses on the back, shoulder, core muscles, and thigh muscles.
- Stand facing a wall, about an arm’s length away.
- Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart in a plank position.
- Step back to create tension in your body, keeping your feet hip-width apart.
- Tighten your core, keeping your body straight from head to heels.
- Hold the position for 20-60 seconds, breathing steadily.
- Step forward to release the position.
3. Wall Push-Ups

Wall push-ups work on your triceps, shoulders, chest, and back muscles, and helps in improving muscle endurance.
- Stand facing a wall, about an arm’s length away with feet shoulder-width apart.
- Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height, slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
- Keep your feet hip-width apart and your body straight.
- Bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the wall, keeping your body in a straight line.
- Press through your hands to return to the starting position.
4. Wall Squats with Ball

This exercise activates the quadriceps, glutes, back, and core muscles. A comprehensive lower-body workout promoting core strength and stability.
- Stand with your back against a wall, placing a stability ball (or a firm cushion) between your lower back and the wall.
- Position your feet shoulder-width apart, a few inches away from the wall.
- Slowly slide down the wall, bending your knees to lower into a squat. Keep your back against the ball and your knees aligned over your toes.
- Lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as low as comfortable) and hold for 20-60 seconds.
- Press through your heels to slide back up the wall to the starting position.
5. Leg Lifts with Wall

The leg lifts focus on lower abdominal muscles and hip flexors, helping with improving hip mobility and flexibility.
- Lie on your back with your legs extended up the wall. Your hips should be close to the wall, and your arms can be at your sides or resting on your abdomen.
- Keep your legs straight and pressed against the wall. You can slightly flex your feet if comfortable.
- Tighten your abdominal muscles to support your lower back.
- Slowly lower one leg toward the floor while keeping the other leg vertical against the wall. Go as low as you can while maintaining control.
- Raise the lowered leg back to the wall, maintaining tension in your core throughout the movement.
Wall Pilates Workouts To Try
If you’re looking to put together a routine that you can follow consistently, you can pick one of these Wall Pilates workouts to follow!
Stretch Your Body
This workout routine is a great choice for beginners who are looking to improve their flexibility, get their blood flowing, and activate their limbs.
Easy Standing Workout
For an all-encompassing workout routine that focuses on both your upper and lower body, this routine is a must-try for optimal muscle activation. All its exercises involve the standing position, and 7 min is all you need!
8 Min Abs Workout
Get that toned and flat stomach by firing up your abdominal muscles and improving core stability with some of the most effective exercises like wall sit-ups, bicycle crunches, and plank variations. This is accessible for various fitness levels.
Safety Precautions for Wall Pilates

Before beginning a wall Pilates workout, it’s important to prioritize safety measures and make any necessary modifications to prevent injury. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, particularly if you have any existing health issues or injuries. Listening to your body and taking breaks when necessary is also vital. To modify wall Pilates exercises, consider starting with shorter sets and gradually extending the duration as you gain confidence. Using a wall with a non-slip surface or a Pilates mat can provide additional grip and support. Maintaining proper form and technique is crucial for avoiding injuries, and ensure that you choose the right pilates socks to ensure proper grip.
We hope that this article has given you sufficient insight on how wall Pilates can help you with your weight loss goals. It is important for you to combine these exercises with a healthy diet, along with other active lifestyle choices. For a fitness app that can guide you on your journey to losing weight, check out the JustFit app!
Is 20 minutes of Pilates a day enough to lose weight?
Is the 28-day wall pilates challenge free?
Is wall Pilates good for weight loss?
Ackler, M. (2023, July 28). What is wall pilates?. Pilates Anytime. Available at: https://www.pilatesanytime.com/blog/equipment/what-is-wall-pilates
Garey, J. (2022, November 16). Is 20 minutes of Pilates a day enough?. John Garey TV. Available at: https://www.johngareytv.com/20-minutes-pilates-day-enough/
Wang, Y., Chen, Z., Wu, Z., Ye, X., & Xu, X. (2021, February 8). Pilates for overweight or obesity: A meta-analysis. Frontiers. Available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/physiology/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.643455/full
Wewege, M. A., Desai, I., Honey, C., Coorie, B., Jones, M. D., Clifford, B. K., Leake, H. B., & Hagstrom, A. D. (2022). The Effect of Resistance Training in Healthy Adults on Body Fat Percentage, Fat Mass and Visceral Fat: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 52(2), 287–300. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-021-01562-2