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28-Day Indoor Walking Challenge for Weight Loss [Free PDF]

October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024
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It can be surprising to learn that something as simple as walking can help with weight loss, but this proves to be an effective cardio workout. Harvard researchers looked at 32 obesity-promoting genes in over 12,000 people and found that those who walked briskly for an hour a day cut the impact of those genes in half.

For something easy to fit into your routine, especially if you have time, space, or mobility constraints, here comes the 28-indoor walking challenge. Keep reading to find out more, and check out the free PDF tool!

What is an Indoor Walking Workout?

Indoor Walking Workout

An indoor walking workout features a variety of walking exercises that emulate power walking, treadmill walking, and other styles, all of which can be performed at home, in the office, or in any enclosed space. These low-intensity exercises boost your heart rate and engage your entire body, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and abs.

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How Does Indoor Walking Help With Weight Loss

indoor walking and weight loss

Just 30 minutes of brisk walking each day can burn around 150 calories [1], making various walking exercises a valuable component of any weight loss plan. The indoor walking challenge offers a comprehensive full-body workout that incorporates cardio exercises, engaging multiple muscle groups and joints while boosting metabolic rate to promote calorie burning.

Indoor walking can also help reduce belly fat by targeting stored fat, contributing to overall weight loss. Effective weight loss management also depends on lifestyle factors, genetics, and maintaining a balanced diet. By combining healthy lifestyle choices with the right exercises, you can create an effective strategy for achieving your weight loss goals.

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Who is Indoor Walking Best Suited For?

indoor walking for seniors

Indoor walking workouts are beneficial for everyone, regardless of age or experience level, but they are especially suited for certain groups:

  • Seniors seeking a slow-paced, safe workout to enhance their overall wellness.
  • Remote workers or those confined to an office all day who need to engage their muscles.
  • Individuals who lack the time or resources to go to the gym, as these workouts are free and accessible.
  • Those who prefer a more relaxed approach, allowing them to walk indoors while enjoying a show or movie—ideal for fitting in exercise during commercial breaks or while watching TV.
  • People facing adverse weather conditions, such as freezing winters or heavy rain, making outdoor walks impractical.

These workouts offer a versatile and convenient way to stay active in any situation.

Integrate diet and at-home workouts into your weight loss routine

8 Benefits of Indoor Walking Workouts

Benefits of Indoor Walking Workouts
  • Convenience: You can’t get more convenience than being able to do a workout at any time in whichever enclosed space you’re in! You also need no equipment or gym membership to execute this workout.
  • Accessibility: Indoor walking is accessible to anyone and can be done by individuals of all fitness levels or ages. It’s also a great option for those with any physical limitations or for seniors who are unable leave their homes.
  • Free of cost: No need to spend money on gyms or workout equipment, it’s totally free!
  • Mental health boost: even just 10-minute walking sessions can help boost your mood, and increase alertness and energy [2]. This can significantly impact mental health.
  • Cardiovascular health: Walking is an exercise that increases your heart rate, and this will aid with blood circulation, improve cardiovascular health, and lower blood pressure [3].
  • Better sleep: Indoor walking is also a great way to end the night before hitting the bed as it can improve the quality of sleep [4].
  • Habit formation: With the 28-day indoor walking challenge, your brain will develop the habit of itching for short intervals of exercise. This is especially true if you choose to do them in between chores/ work, and you are more likely to be consistent with your schedule.
  • Balanced fitness: Balancing indoor walking with weight training is recommended for overall fitness, as it combines cardiovascular benefits with strength building.

28-day Indoor Walking Challenge [Free PDF]

28-day Indoor Walking Challenge Free PDF

Now that you’re motivated to start walking indoors, we’re excited to introduce the Indoor Walking Challenge! You can download a handy PDF tool to use as a reference for this 4-week workout plan, which you can easily hang up for guidance. The plan features five different indoor walking exercises, with increasing intensity each week as you progress towards longer workouts. Below are explanations on how to perform each exercise:

1. Normal Walking – Power Walking

Normal Walking - Power Walking

This requires just simply walking indoors around your enclosed space based on the pace specified i.e. slow, moderate, power walking.

2. Marching


This exercise involves keeping your arms close to your body and marching in one spot for the specified time period.

3. Side-Step


All you have to do is to step with your right foot to the right, and then have your left foot join your right foot. Repeat the same by moving the left foot to the left. This activates the hip and thigh muscles.

4. Walk Forward and Kick

Walk Forward and Kick

Walk four steps forward and kick one of the legs in front of you, a simple yet effective way to incorporate walking indoors into your routine. Now walk four steps backwards and repeat the same exercise.

5. Knee Lifts

Knee Lifts

This looks slightly similar to a march but this time bring your knees up to your waist level, repeating with each leg. These help with activating core muscles along with your legs.

Breakdown of Weekly Schedule

Week 1: total 20 min

  • 5 min walk at a moderate pace
  • 5 min March
  • 5 min Side-Step
  • 2 min Walk Forward and Kick
  • 3 min Knees Lifts

Week 2: 30 min

  • 10 min walk at a moderate pace
  • 5 min March
  • 5 min Side-Step
  • 5 min Walk Forward and Kick
  • 5 min Knees Lifts
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Week 3: 40 min

  • 10 min power walking indoors
  • 10 min March
  • 10 min Side-Step
  • 5 min Walk Forward and Kick
  • 5 min Knees Lifts

Week 4: 50 min

  • 10 min power walking
  • 10 min March
  • 10 min Side-Step
  • 10 min Walk Forward and Kick
  • 10 min Knees Lifts

Other low-intensity at-home workouts to try:

10 Chair Exercises for Seniors and Free 5-Day Workout Plan

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We hope that this article has given a comprehensive view of all you have to know about the indoor walking workout and its 28-day challenge. Indoor walking workouts help burn calories by maintaining an elevated heart rate, and can be just as engaging as outdoor walking.

Always remember to consult your physician before taking on any new routine, and we hope you can incorporate this efficient exercise into your fitness journey. To learn and explore more such at-home workouts, check out the JustFit app with its free 7-day trial!

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Harvard School of Public Health. (2024b, May 9). Walking for exercise. The Nutrition Source. Available at: 

Hensrud, D. (2024, June 5). Walking: Is it enough for weight loss?. Mayo Clinic. Available at:,more%20calories%20you’ll%20burn. 

Brown, Jessica. (2023, November 4). Benefits of sleep: 7 benefits and tips for a good night’s sleep. Benefits of Sleep: 7 Benefits and Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep. Available at: 

Sullivan Bisson, A. N., Robinson, S. A., & Lachman, M. E. (2019). Walk to a better night of sleep: testing the relationship between physical activity and sleep. Sleep health, 5(5), 487–494. Available at:

Walk this way: How to make walking all the cardiovascular exercise you need. UCLA Health. (2021, July 29). Available at:,walking%20at%20a%20slow%20pace.

About authors
Meena is a dedicated copywriter and content creator with over three years of experience in crafting informative and impactful content. Her passion for health and personal interest in fitness shines through in her work, where she combines her writing expertise with a deep understanding of wellness. She aims to inspire and educate readers on their fitness journey.
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