Workout PlansBody Sculpting Workout PlansAbs Workout Plans
30 day flat stomach challenge​
30 day flat stomach challenge​

The Ultimate 30 Day Flat Stomach Challenge

Looking to get that summer bod for beach season? We've got just the routine for you. The ultimate 30-day flat stomach challenge is all you need for the month on your road to getting that toned and defined stomach.

46 mins377 calories
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9.2 mins
yoga mat
Program Summary

From a home-based ab workout to exercises that target specific regions like the stubborn lower belly fat, we've got all that you need for a killer abs routine. Combine this with constant hydration and a balanced diet and you'll soon notice visible improvements in your abdominal area along with strengthening the rest of your lower body.

Workout Plan

Day 1

7-Minute Flat Abs Workout

67 calories
7 mins

Day 2

Lower Belly Fat Workout

62 calories
6 mins

Day 3

Easy Abs Workout Just In Home

42 calories
6 mins

Day 4

Get Sexy Abs Workout

52 calories
6 mins

Day 5

Core Crazy

150 calories
21 mins

Can I do multiple workout plans in a single day?

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I’m a beginner. Which plan is most suitable for me?

Do these plans require any special equipment?

How should I schedule workout and rest days?

Are these plans suitable for all ages and fitness levels?

What is the duration of the plans?

How can I track and record my progress?

What is the best workout plan for me?

What is the perfect workout routine?

What is a good 5-day workout routine?

Can I do the same workout plan indefinitely?

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