How To Do Cuban Press Effectively

Step right up and prepare to discover the secret weapon for sculpting strong, powerful shoulders – the Cuban Press workout! With a name as captivating as its results, this exercise has been causing a stir in the fitness community.

Imagine unleashing the power of your shoulders while engaging those often-neglected stabilizing muscles, all in one exhilarating motion. Join us as we embark on a journey to unlock the potential of this captivating exercise, and transform your shoulder workouts into an experience that leaves you feeling invincible!

Key Takeaways

  • The Cuban press primarily targets the shoulder muscles, including the anterior, lateral, and posterior deltoids.

  • It also engages and strengthens the rotator cuff muscles, essential for maintaining shoulder joint integrity and stability.

  • In addition to shoulder muscles, the upper back muscles such as trapezius and rhomboids are engaged to assist in the lifting and stabilization of upper arms and weights during the exercise.

  • Using dumbbells provides a greater range of motion and an additional challenge for elbow and shoulder muscles.

  • Cuban press variations cater to different fitness levels and help individuals develop the necessary control and stability in the shoulder joints.

What Muscles Does Cuban Press Work?

The Cuban press primarily targets to strengthen the shoulder muscles, specifically to strengthen the deltoids, muscles which consist of the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posterior (rear) heads. This exercise is effective and time efficient at developing overall shoulder strength and stability.

Additionally, the Cuban press movement engages and strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, which are crucial for maintaining shoulder joint integrity and stability. The movements involved in the Cuban press can help strengthen these smaller, stabilizing muscles around the shoulder joint.

As a secondary effect, the upper back muscles, such as the trapezius and rhomboids, may also be engaged to assist with the lifting and stabilization of upper arms, hips, and the weights during the exercise.

The use of dumbbells as equipment in the Cuban press allows for more movements with a greater range of motion and provides an additional challenge for the elbow and shoulder muscles, contributing to improved strength and muscle development.

How To Do Cuban Press Effectively

Cuban Press, also known as the Muscle Snatch, is a workout that targets the shoulder muscles, rotator cuff, and upper back. This exercise involves a combination of a shoulder external rotation and a dumbbell overhead press down with external shoulder rotation, engaging multiple joints and muscle groups through a continuous and fluid series of movements. To perform the Cuban Press correctly, adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Maintain a shoulder-width stance with feet, engage your core and hip muscles, keep your elbows elevated, and ensure your back remains flat.

  2. Hold a few dumbbells in each of your hands, palms facing behind you.

  3. Lift your arms outwards and sideways until your elbows form a right angle with your head and body, elbows bent and weights hanging directly downward.

  4. Maintain stability in the dumbbell press and upper arms, breathe in as you twist the dumbbells upwards, aligning your forearms perpendicularly to the ground with palms facing upwards. Breathe out once this action is finished.

  5. Press the weights straight overhead as if you were performing a shoulder press.

  6. Pause and return to the starting position.

Sets And Reps

Begin with performing 1 to 2 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions. Gradually add more sets and reps as your strength improves, progressing to eventually complete 5 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.

  • Beginner: 1-2 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions

  • Advanced: 5 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions

This workout can enhance the strength of your rotator cuff muscles and enhance shoulder stability. It serves as an excellent warm-up for bench presses or heavier shoulder presses. Additionally, it can assist in developing muscle mass and defining your arms and shoulders.

Cuban Press Variations

If this exercise is too difficult for you, try these easier variations:

Unweighted (arms only)

The unweighted variation of the Cuban overhead press, is an excellent starting point, especially for those who are new to the exercise or are working on improving their shoulder mobility and strength. By focusing solely on the arm movement without added resistance, individuals can concentrate on mastering the proper form and range of motion. This starting position serves as a crucial foundation before progressing to more challenging versions of the exercise, enabling individuals to develop the necessary control and stability in the elbows and shoulder joints.

With broom handle

Using a broom handle is a fantastic way to bridge the gap between the unweighted variation and the full exercise with dumbbells or a barbell. Holding light weight on a broom handle mimics the grip required for the Cuban press while providing a slight amount of resistance. This variation allows individuals to accustom themselves to the movement pattern and gradually warm up to introduce heavy weights, making it an effective stepping stone towards using traditional weights. It also aids in improving shoulder flexibility and reinforcing proper alignment.

With band

Incorporating a resistance band into the Cuban press offers a dynamic way to adjust the level of difficulty according to individual strength and ability. The band provides accommodating resistance, meaning the tension increases as the band is stretched further. This allows for a smooth and controlled progression, as individuals can start with lower resistance and gradually increase the challenge as they become more proficient. Additionally, the band variation adds an element of stability and control, as the resistance is not fixed like that of traditional weights, thus engaging stabilizing muscles and enhancing overall shoulder integrity.

By incorporating these variations, individuals can tailor their approach to the Cuban press based on their current fitness level, gradually building the strength, stability, and technique necessary to perform the full exercise with confidence and proficiency.


The Cuban press is an effective exercise for targeting the shoulders and promoting overall shoulder health, with secondary engagement of the rotator cuff and upper back muscles. Additionally, the exercise variations allow individuals to tailor their approach based on their current fitness level, gradually building the strength, stability, and technique necessary to perform the full exercise with confidence and proficiency. When performing the Cuban press, it’s important to focus on proper form and control to avoid relying on momentum and to also prevent injury from any potential strain on the shoulders.

Dumbbell Workouts

For more workouts with the use of dumbbells, check out these articles:

5 Day Dumbbell Workout

12 Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF


Cuban Press FAQs

Will Cuban Press hurt your shoulders?

The Cuban press is a popular shoulder exercise, but it may not be appropriate for everyone. If you have any underlying shoulder issues, this exercise could exacerbate them. Consider using lighter weight dumbbells and only increase the weight if you do not experience any negative effects.

Common mistakes beginners will make when doing Cuban Press?

A common error individuals make is rushing through the upright row and press, relying on momentum to complete the movements. To correct this, focus on starting from the initial position, slow down the exercise, and maintain control. By doing so, you can engage and rotate your arms and shoulders effectively without depending on momentum to raise your arms overhead and rotate them away from your torso.


Caroline Lubinsky CF-L1. (2023). How to Do the Cuban Press for Stronger, Healthier Shoulders. Available at: [Accessed 1 April 2024].

Nick Hutchings. (2009).How To Do The Cuban Press. Available at: [Accessed 1 April 2024].

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